Joshua Harris on Conviction

In his book Dug Down Deep, Joshua Harris wrote on conviction. Here is the quote:

Compliance isn’t conviction. Conformity to other people’s standards isn’t conviction. Adapting to a church culture isn’t conviction. Biblical conviction is the result of the study of Scripture, careful thought, discussion, and the search for wisdom. It requires work. It requires the humility to test the results of our choices and change our actions when necessary. Most important it requires a laser focus on God.1

1Joshua Harris, Dug Down Deep (Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah, 2010), 170.

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About Enzo Cortes

Enzo Cortes is the Youth Coordinator of Jzone Makati, the youth ministry of Christ's Commission Fellowship (CCF) Makati. He also speaks for various youth and young adult groups, including CCF Makati's young singles ministry, Friday Night Light. He loves to write, read books and blogs, drink coffee, and watch MMA fights.

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